Wednesday, May 4, 2011

29 Reasons To Buy More Cigars: End of the List

50. It's a vintage smoke!
51. After learning more about cigars, my tastes have changed.
52. I need stronger fuller flavored cigars.
53. I need a morning cigar.
54. I need a midday cigar.
55. I need an evening cigar.
56. I've only tried 19% of the cigars in Bob Curtis' cigar database.
57. On can never have too many cigars.
58. My wife collects barbies -- I collect cigars.
59. You can't get arrested for smoking and driving.
60. If I order by the box mail order -- I save the 13% GA tobacco tax
and 6% sales tax -- Who could resist such a bargin.
61. I have full cans of butane that I need to use before they go bad.
62. I need to make sure I have plenty of stogie on hands -- never know
when it will snow in GA and we won't be able to leave the house.
63. I need to make sure I have enough to light all those fireworks on
the fouth of July.
64. Tax season is almost upon us -- and I am sure that we will be
getting a refund.
65. I didn't get what I wanted for the holidays.
66. If I don't deserve them -- who does.
67. I just got my discover cash back bonus -- for all the stogies I
charged last year -- these few boxes are really free.
68. Don't complain -- it gets me out of the house to walk the dogs.
69. Look how much I save ordering by mail -- could you imagine what it
would cost to go to the Dom. Rep to get them.
70. If I can find enough brands from one place that I like -- we can
go on vacation there next winter.
71. Nothing goes better with a piece of apple pie than a cigar.
72. I don't have nearly as many as (name a cigar smoking buddy)
73. There are hundreds of different brands -- I only have a few.
74. If you think that this is alot -- you shouild see what they have
at (name your local shop).
75. Would you rather that I go out drinking to the local nudie bar?
76. Cigar smokers make better lovers.
77. Cigar smokers are the most considerate and caring husbands.
78. I still have a full bottle of PG -- what else am I going to
humidify with it?

source: Tony Muller, Richard Hsiung and friends


El Rey Del Mundo Cigars said...

There are plenty of reason for smoking a cigar.A smoker always find a reason to enjoy a cigar.Thanks for sharing plenty of reason this being good enough for smokers.I love to smoke cigar and i don't need a reason.When i wish just lit a cigar and enjoy the day.


filtered cigars said...

I loved your post and the reasons you mentioned here very relevant and appropriate.I am also a cigar addict and love filtered cigars a lot.

Cigars said...

I am looking for online store where cigars are available at cheap prices.Where i live cigars are very expensive to buy.