You're right, the title is a bit weird. That's alright, though, because you're still reading and you might wonder how primates have anything to do with cigars or any other tobacco related product or activity. It's a stretch, but it's based on a signature phrase a friend of mine and I agree on wholeheartedly: "Monkeys Add Humor."

Crazy Monkey Hookah Freak Modern Tobacco is the title that caught my eye. I was perusing various sources of tobacco accessories, and POW, the title of the link hit me and I just had to see; this backs my premise that weird titles can peak your interest, and that when monkeys are involved, you just can't lose.
The link goes to, which is a store that sells anything and everything Hookah. This also translates into just about anything and everything Tobacco, as well. Crazy Monkey, as it turns out, is a popular blend of shisha used in Hookah smoking. The site claims smoking a rip of Crazy Monkey will give you an irresistible urge to do the monkey dance...
So back to the cigar nexus. While reading through several areas of the hookahub site, I learned that Hookah Bars are becoming, or have become, almost as popular as our Cigar Bars. The crowds at these establishments are usually younger men and women, with numerous eastern and middle eastern influences, and are appealing to newer audiences here in the U.S. After seeing pictures of some of the Hookah Bars (people sitting yoga style on the floor with a Hookah vase at the center of their circle, or crowded cozily into a corner booth to share a Hookah pipe) it made me think of younger days when those images would have been associated with smoking something that certainly would not have been sold publicly.
Is this why Hookah smoking has not yet permeated the golf course? Or maybe it's because doing the monkey dance on the course could effect your handicap.
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