Sunday, June 21, 2009


1 comment:

Small Biz Webworks said...

A 12 Step Recovery Program for Democrats

1 - Open your eyes

2 - Smell the Socialists

3 - Admit there is a power greater than the Democrat Party - the Republican Party

4 - Ask the spirit of Ronald Reagan to forgive your mistakes and guide you to truth

5 - Make a conscious effort to turn away from the Dark Side by disassociating from further contact with the Democrat Party: e.g. stop watching mainstream TV news, reading liberal newspapers, and listening to rock-and/or-roll

6 - Listen to more conservative talk radio, surf the Internet, and pay attention to Country-and-Western music

7 - Make an inventory of personal, social, and economic freedom; check it twice

8 - Divest yourself from the stifling grasp of victimhood and learn to play golf

9 - Admit the wrongs you have done by voting Democrat: raising taxes, increasing laws, and denigrating traditional social mores and the crucial role of the family

10 - Step forward to make amends by helping Republican candidates

11 - Smoke a cigar, shoot a rifle, drive an SUV, and support the Boy Scouts

12 - Use this spiritual awakening to spread the word to those unfortunates still trapped in the Democrat Party web and quietly pray that their salvation comes before they’re taxed out of their homes