Thanks to you and all those who visit about.com for continuing to support us out here! I just received an impressive collection of Thompsons from Philip Jones and the Wolfpack Club in NC, a very nice collection of Perdomos from David Contiguglia in NY, and a large box of premium cigars from Grant Wicklund in CO. The generosity of these and others has allowed me to expand the number of bases we support out here to nine this month, I sent them out this morning. All of our cigar smokers out here really appreciate it - getting quality stogies from AAFES is a challenge at most locations downrange. And that little luxury in our wind down time makes a huge difference in morale. I've attached a picture of Col Perez and myself on a recent sunny afternoon off, as well as a picture of TSgt Darrien Bourget out at Bagram, one of the many individuals you all are affecting with your donations. Thanks so much for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.
Capt Funk

Very nice gesture!!!!
We agree wholeheartedly, cc! Our troops are the absolute BEST, and they deserve all the respect we can give.
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