With the passing of the presidential election, I discovered a void in the bombardment of meaningless, manipulated polls that had become customary on the daily news. In order to fill that void for myself, and perhaps other sufferers of Post-Election Poll Distress (PEP'D), I located some truly substantive poll results to show you. So if you're feeling a bit PEP'D up, enjoy:

Wait...WE ELECTED WHAT???!!! I keed I keed . My approximate level of caring is .01 jigawatts.
corn-crack⋅er /ˈkɔrnˌkrækər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kawrn-krak-er] Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. one of a poor class of white people in the southern U.S.; cracker.
I dunno about this particular definition, JCC... I'm just sayin'.
a special from jimmy?
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