We're talking about a helicopter, K-9 units, ladder-climbing cops to check the roofs, and an all-out shut down of local roadways in search of the bad guy. Gotta hand it to the citizenry of lovely Greensboro -- they know how to hire politicians that know how to hire cops! So check out the following news blurb for details and cool pics of the whole story, but I find it comforting to know that when somebody messes with a good ol' cigar shop in the middle of tobacco country, they're in for one heck of a run.
In Greensboro, North Carolina, Officers from three agencies using a helicopter and police dogs spent Thursday afternoon unsuccessfully searching for a man suspected of robbing a cigar store on Alamance Church Road.
The report says that at 11 a.m., Greensboro p

The robber drove off, but someone in the business was able to take down his license plate number.
From that number, police were able to get an address associated with the vehicle, and deputies headed to that neighborhood in an unincorporated area near the city's edge, said Col. T. Randy Powers, with the Guilford County Sheriff's Office.
Deputies confronted the suspect near 1300 Youngs Mill Road, but the man ran away before the deputies could get near him.
Police, deputies, and Highway Patrol troopers cordoned off the area and searched until 3:45 p.m., using police dogs and a Highway Patrol helicopter.
"He could have fit in the one lucky hole (where) we didn't have somebody in fast enough," Powers said.

No one was injured in the robbery.
The bad guys was described as a man as 6 feet tall and slender, with dark hair and wearing jeans and a black shirt.
...anybody in Greensboro fit that description?
...any of the other smoke shops putting up rewards or publicity??
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