See the full review and expectations here: http://theoatmeal.com/blog/playdoh
It's called: The Bubble.
This is a smoking trick that is easy to do. You will need a funnel and a bowl of solution that will create solid bubbles. Place the funnel into your solution and let it sit at the top for about 10 seconds. Take a deep hit of your smoke making sure to keep all of the smoke in your mouth. After this, pick up the funnel and blow the smoke into it. As you start blowing the smoke into the funnel you will notice your bubble beginning to form. The amount of smoke you blow into the bubble will control how big it gets. When you are satisfied with the size of your bubble, slightly flick the funnel upwards to release the bubble into the air.
Hint: If you are having a hard time creating a bubble, you may not have a good solution mix, or you may be blowing too hard. With a little bit of practice you should be able to perfect this trick.