Saturday, October 11, 2008

Cigar Bar Battles Blazin'


How much money is that to a bar owner's daily take? Is it a big enough bite to make the owner actively enforce a local smoking ordinance inside his establishment? And then to walk this legal-ease tightrope of whether or not his place qualifies as a posted cigar bar? Please.

To me, it's not so much the money, or whether or not the ordinance is a good one, but the fact that somebody has gone to all the effort and expense to go after the bar owner for this piddly little ordinance violation. Who is it that has that kind of time on their hands and that kind of spite in their head?

Here's the article exerpt from jose:

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. A bar owner found guilty of breaking the state smoking ban law is seeking a new trial, alleging jurors went to his business during deliberations to investigate.

Murray Street Darts bar owner Bruce Hicks plead guilty this week to violating the state's smoking band but it's a jury trial from last month that he's contesting. Hicks' attorney says two jurors went to his client's bar to see if he had a sign that advertised it as a "cigar bar." Judges forbid jurors from researching cases.

Hicks has maintained he is exempt from the ban because he qualifies for the "cigar bar" provision, meaning at least 5 percent or $50,000 of his revenue comes from the sale of tobacco products.

Hicks' attorney says the jurors reported back telling others there was no "cigar bar" sign.

Two other local bar owners also plead guilty this week to violating the ban. Each paid a $221 fine.

Hicks paid a $321 fine this week for the most recent case.

...Perhaps this is big money for the local municipality.

...what would it say on the back of a smoking ticket??

"Smoke" Shop?

"I need to know of a smoke shop in the south bay that's got a good detox cleaner. something that will really detox me not just mask for one test, cause i'm going to have 3 tests coming up at random. I know one is monday for sure. but other than that don't know when they'll be"

During what has become a semi-regular routine of browsing craigslist for 1) freelance job opps and 2) just interesting stuff, I found the above post by a person looking for a way to clean out their system to pass a drug test. Specifically targeted in the posting's title was "Smoke Shop".

Here's the actual craigslist link to this little bee-bop:

I'm thinking this person maybe ought to check a few articles below and read about the ex-cop who encourages cigar smoking versus marijuana...

About 21 years ago, when smoking weed was the-thing-to-do, I distinctly recall the lure of the smoke shop - the pipes, the papers, THE PARAPHERNALIA. Oooooo, the toys. The craigslist posting for the chemical toy (detoxer) took me back to remembering that if I wanted anything, anything at all, that was related to my smoke all I had to do was go to my buddy. "Dude! I need to get some... (fill in the blank)." And it would just happen; now days, this poor soul has to get up on craigslist of all places to solicit that kind of help for that kind of problem??!

Me, oh my, where has Dave gone? Oh yeah, DAVE'S NOT HERE!

It's much nicer, these days, to yearn for the aroma of cigar smoke - no hassles associated with it, no FIVE-O, just some peace of mind. Plus, the "dude" I'd probably hit up for a cigar or the location of a good smoke shop is more likely to have green in his wallet instead of green on his tongue.